Thursday, April 19, 2012

Playing Catch-Up

Oh my! A lot has been going on around here. Check it out...

Olivia is her own little person.
Hadassah sees bubbles for the first time.

Hadassah is standing now. She has even taken a few steps.

Picnic in the bedrooms!

Hiding from the tornado - Can you find all 5 little creatures?
Beautiful green after the storm.

We found some caterpillars and watched them make cocoons. They turned into Morning Cloak butterflies. (I'll have to get those pictures from Jay's phone.)
Easter morning! Ahhhhhhh!!!!
(Can I get an "Amen" from all you pastor's wives out there? haha)

Watermelon? Yes, I believe it's a hit!

Easter Egg Hunt with our new neighbors.

3 birthday fellas.
9 years, 2 years, and 7 years.

Birthday gal!!
She is seriously into the birthday song.

She forgave us and let us give her a birthday cookie since life is a bit crazy right now. But I'd say that she didn't mind one bit.

Whew!!! And 10 days have passed since those pictures. Life is full.


  1. LOVE the photos! It seems you have Hadassah strapped in to things quite a bit. HA!! And poor Josiah!! WHAT was that all about??? I totally forgot Andy & Josiah shared the same birthday. I love that "school must go on" even during a tornado. Olivia loves to dress up, doesn't she? ;)

  2. "Amen"! And can I just say what a fun and clever mom you are! Bedroom picnic!...that is genius!

  3. Thank you, Amy for all the pics!! We love them with all of your narratives !! :):):):)

  4. AWESOME catch up in my favorite way (pictures)!!!!!!!!!

  5. Does her birthday outfit fit her yet?

  6. You mean her birthday suit?
