Monday, July 18, 2011

Swimming With Marge

Tonight we ate at the home of Philip and Claudia, our pastor and his wife. Before dinner, the kids took a swim in their pool. They were joined by the Jones' dog, Marge. Swimming with a dog was a new experience for the kids, and I think it ranked right up there with football, piano, and princesses.

She's too fast and eager to focus on.
Oh how I love labs.

Life is good.

"I'm free. My birfday is 20 August 9."

Isn't the combination of being a kid and summertime the best?


  1. WOW! That blue is...BLUE!!!
    I have 20 August 9 on my calendar!!

  2. Fun fun fun!!! I love the date 20 August 9 !!!

  3. This makes me miss Forrest. Sniff. I can't wait to see you!!!

  4. LOVE the pics, I really miss your sweet family and forgive me for not checking out your blog sooner, I haven't been on the computer much. Congratulations on your move, I've missed sooo much!!! I could never forget Miss O's birthday, great day. But I LOVE how she says when her bday is.

  5. Oh my goodness! I have to catch up on your life! We'll be in Dallas this weekend, wish we could see you guys for a sec.!!!

  6. Kara- I've missed you, too. And I'll never forget you stopping by on your anniversary...right in time for me to say, "Hey! I'm feeling a little pain right now..." :)

    Emily- AHHH!!! I wish we could see you. We would have SO MUCH to talk about.
